Iglesias D.V. (by Quasimodo v/d Molendreef) wins the 3* 1.50m Grand Prix of Oliva

At the Spanish show of Oliva, Iglesias D.V. (by Quasimodo v/d Molendreef) managed to win the 3* 1.50m Grand Prix with Olivier Robert. Bred by R. de Vries, the Quasimodo v/d Molendreef son claimed the win by also staying clear in the jump-off in a time of 39.06 seconds. Fourth place went to Carrera son Charming Dream Z, bred by L.H.M. Sneijers. Charmind Dream Z also managed to stay clear in the jump-off with Niall Talbot and was a fraction slower.

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Quasimodo v/d Molendreef

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