Gold for Kobalt (by Harley) and Cadillac Z (by Carrera)

Top results were also achieved among the younger riders with offspring of VDL stallions at the Dutch Jumping Championship in Deurne last weekend.

Kobalt (Harley x Indorado) and Siebe Leemans became Champion of the Young Riders and there was a third place for Isla Ibiza (Douglas x Numero Uno), ridden by Mart Ijland.
Fleur Holleman came 4th with Faltic (Baltic x Nimmerdor) and Britt Driessen finished 6th with Leike (by Arezzo)

Cadillac Z (Carrera x Quasimodo van de Molendreef) and Thijmen Vos were honored as champions in the junior championship. In this championship there was a 6th place for Yfke Priem with Jetoulon PK (Etoulon x Hold Up Premier)

Gekoppelde paarden

Cadillac Z (by Carrera) and Thijmen Vos
Kobalt (by Harley) and Siebe Leemans

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