At the first two provincial mareshows were good results by offspring of VDL stallions.
The first provincial mareshow was in Zeeland. In this show the best 3-years old mare was a daughter of VDL Hold Up Premier: Wendiena, owned by Winninghoff from Breukeleveen. At the 5th place we find the Emilion-mare Wilandra, owned by J. W. de Feijter from Axel. In the class of the 3-years old dressage mares we see a 3rd place for Wicky (by Farrington), she is owned by P. Kole from Hansweert and a. van de Guchte from Hansweert. Foalchampion of the jumpingfoals became the Indorado-son Binrado,bred by S. Moens from Aagtekerke. Also the 3rd place was for a son by Indorado: B-Zuberth D, bred by J. van Dijke from St. Maartensdyk.
At the provincial mareshow of Dronten the Flemmingh-son Baileys became Champion of the foals, Baileys is bred by F. & J. Jansen from Emmeloord. Also the 3rd until the 6th place were for offspring of VDL Stallions:
3rd place: Beraldine, f. Goodtimes, bred by Duofarm BV from Rutten;
4th place: Baronesse R, f. Silverstone, bred by the fam. Groen from Luttelgeest together with the VDL Stud;
5th place: Bushmills, f. Indoctro, bred by the fam. Meyer from Dronten
6th place: Blue Jewel, f. Indoctro, bred by the fam. Meyer from Dronten.
In the class for the 3-years old mares jumping there was a 2nd place for Wiske (by Hold Up Premier), owned by A. Maurer from Emmeloord. In the class for the 4- until 7-years old mares jumping there was a 2nd place for the Goodtimes-mare Vondraloma, owned by F. Bodet from Dronten.In the class for 4-7 years dressage mares there was a 3rd place for the Goodtimes-mare Vezelma, owned by C. Balk-Maerman from Espel.
Congratulations to all the breeders and owners!
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