In 2005 were several stallions, who descent from VDL stallions, approved in Germany.
The stallion VDL Quinta Real (Quite Easy x Carentino), who is a full brother of VDL Veron, was at the stallion inspection of the Westfalen Studbookwhere he became approved and titled 'Premiestallion'. Quinta Real is owned and bred by the combination VDL Stud/van Ittersum. Also approved by the Westfalen studbook was the stallion Emilion x Landwind II, this stallion is bred by F. Meijer and now owned by Rene Tebbel from Germany.
VDL Quinta Real, full brother of VDL Veron
At the studbook of Berlin- Brandenburg was a 3 years old son of our international jumping stallion Pessoa VDL approved. This stallion Pessoa VDL x Semit, is bred and owned by K. and C. Schulze from Germany.
At the Oldenburger Studbook was an Indoctro x Contender approved, who is bred and owned by mr. R. Nowak from Germany. Also a Flemmingh x Goldstern was approved by this studbook, this stallion is owned by Dueingshof Gbr and bred by G. Kok from Germany.
At the 'Zuchtverband fur Deutsche Pferde' was the stallion Imotheb approved. Imotheb is an Indoctro x Calvados, who is owned by T. Galmbacher and who is bred by R. Hassing from the Netherlands.
Imotheb, Indoctro x Calvados, bred by R. Hassing from Steggerda
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