Larezzo (Arezzo x Esprilio) and Gustavo Ramos Leyva became 3rd in the finals of the 7-year old jumpers at the 3* jumping of Monterrey in Mexico.
In the finals of the 5-year olds lamamalba VDL (Durango x Wellington), ridden by Daniel Pedraza Littlewood placed 4
th and Iblese VDL (Bubalu x Lasino), ridden by Jose Samuel Velázquez Muri placed 8
Iblesse and Larezzo were sold in the auction in Cuba and Iamamalba at the auction in Guatemala.
Uchingo Imperio Egipcio (Chin Chin x Carthago) en Eduardo Menezes hebben een 1.40m rubriek gewonnen op het concours van Monterrey
5e 1.35m rubriek: Gerdinieke (Bacardi VDL x Oklund), geredne door Daniel Rihan Goreneche
7e 1.35m rubriek: Falomus (Campbell VDL x Ferro), gereden door Javier Fernandez
7e 1.35m en 3e 1.30m rubrieken: Diamont GR (Douglas x Indoctro), gereden door Ruben Dario Ramirez Z
8e 1.30m rubriek: Zidane X (Sydney x Impuls), gereden door Luis Enrique Flores Jardon
10e 1.30m rubriek: Floriona (Harley x Empire), gereden door Paola Amilibia
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