Fabrice DN (s. Emilion) 5th in Grand Prix Coapexpan

Fabrice DN (Emilion x Baloubet du Rouet) and Nicolas Pizarro became 5th in the 3* Grand Prix of Coapexpan, Mexico. Fabrice DN is bred by D. Noordhuis from Wijster.
Eye Catcher JB (Cantos x Berlin), ridden by Jaime Azcarraga became 8th in the Grand Prix and 7th in a 1.50m class.
Gerdinieke (Bacardi VDL x Oklund), ridden by John Perez Bohm, placed 2nd in a 1.50m class and
Hortensia van de Leeuwerk (Corland x Argentinus), ridden by Manuel Gonzalez Dufrane, jumped in the same class to a 3rd place.
Cardenta Z (Cardento x Quidam de Revel), ridden by Luciana Roberta Gonzales Guerra, placed 2nd and 3rd in two 1.40m classes and Gelice de Fremis (Zirocco Blue Blue x Ogano Sitte), ridden by Eduardo Sanchez Navarro, placed 7th and 8th in two 1.40m classes.

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Hortensia vd Leeuwerk

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