Celebrity VDL (Indoctro x Emilion) and Danielle Goldstein became 2nd in a 1.45m class at the 2* jumping of Oliva in Spain. They also placed 8
th in a 1.35m class.
10th 1.40m class: El Dorado (Indorado x Heartbreaker) and Diana Marsá-Lafarge
2nd + 6
th 1.35m and 8
th 1.30m classes: Zagahorn (Matterhorn x Wolfgang), ridden by Emily Moffitt,
1st 1.35m young jumpers class: Griet (Bugatti VDL x Bustron), ridden by Fabienne Daigneux-Lange
1st and 10th 1.35m young jumpers class: Appolon (Pan Am VDL x Marlon), ridden by Oleg Krasyuk
7th 1.35m young jumpers class: Zita Blue (Zirocco Blue x Balou du Rouet), ridden by Janne Friederike Meyer-Zimmermann
rd and 9
th 1.30m class: Fan of Mr Blue (Zirocco Blue x Indoctro), ridden by Coralie Maitre
9th 1.30m class: Ursula XII (Ahorn x Papageno), ridden by Scott Brash
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