VDL Wizard 4th in New Years Grand Prix, WEF Wellington
Carrera VDL (s. Cardento) 3rd in Final 1.30m Indoor Veendam
VDL Fakir (s. Indorado) 4th Grand Prix Mechelen
Etoulon wins stallioncompetition at Zuidbroek
Zapatero VDL and Arezzo VDL clear in La Coru�a
Very Nice (s. Cantos) wins Grand Prix Roosendaal
Daiquiri vd Moortelshoeve (s. Quasimodo vd Molendreef) wins Grand Prix Seghers Gold Cup
Comic van de Vitha (s. Indoctro) wins Gold Cup Grand Prix Breemeersen
Ziedento (s. Cardento) 3rd in Year-End Awards Grand Prix Wellington
Zingara (s. Indoctro) wins Grand Prix Truccazzano
Hello Sanctos (s. Quasimodo vd Molendreef) 2nd in Grand Prix Geneva
Interline H (s. Indoctro) 5e in Grote Prijs Roosendaal
12 stallions selected for 2nd round KWPN Stallion approvals
Funnycan (by Zavall) highest priced jumper at Brightwells Auction
Clear round for Baltic VDL in his first 1.40m class
Silvana (s. Corland) wins 5* Gucci Grand Prix Paris
Fakir VDL (s. Indorado) 4th Grand Prix Poznan
Zorina (s. Silverstone) 9e in Grand Prix Barcelona
Very Nice (s. Cantos) wins Grand Prix Opglabbeek
Camillo VDL wins final 6 years old jumpers at CSI2* Sentower Park
Zapatero VDL 7th in 'Gaston Glock's Championat von Salzburg
Vlingh (s. Flemmingh) wins Junior Dressagetest Raalte
Callahan (s. Contendro I) wins Grand Prix Stockholm
Etoulon VDL wins stallioncompetition Enschede
Zabelle S (s. Indoctro) 3rd in Junior Grand Prix Enschede
Glory Days (Cardento x Diamond Serpent) en Katherine Dinan zijn 7e geworden in de Wereldbeker Wedstrijd van Wellington in de USA.
Cornetto (s. Cardento) wins Grand Prix Manerbio
Zirocco Blue VDL 6th in Grand Prix of Maastricht.
Corporal VDL 2nd in Champion of the Youngsters at Stockholm
Zapatero VDL 4thand Zirocco VDL 9e in 1.50m Maastrich
Hello Sanctos (s. Quasimodo van de Molendreef) wins Global Champions Tour
Uleika (s. Atlantic) 3rd in Grand Prix Kreuth
Mister Big (s. Indoctro) 4th in Grand Prix Wiener Neustadt
Zabros (s. Cantos) 9th in Grand Prix Strazeele
Cempras VDL to 2nd round NRPS stallion approvals
Springtime (s. Indorado) 7th in Grand Prix Las Vegas
Offspring VDL Stallions high placed in several Grand Prix
Westminster (s. Heartbreaker) 5th in Worldcup Qualifier Leszno
Dauphin De Muze (s. Quasimodo vd Molendreef) 2nd in Grand Prix Los Angeles
Offspring VDL stallions high placed at Verona
Wise Guy (s. Indoctro) wins Grand Prix Wierden
Glory Days (s. Cardento) 6th in Worldcup Qualifier Toronto
Zabelle S (by Indoctro) 3rd in Junior Grand Prix Wierden
Corino VDL 2nd in stalliontest Danish Warmblood Studbook
Royal Dream (s. Indoctro) 4th in Championat of M�nchen
Flying Saucer das Umburanas (v. Indoctro) wint Grote Prijs Oliva
Two clear rounds for Corporal VDL at CSI * Lyon
Interview with James Billington in KWPN Magazine
Prestige VDL (s. Silvano N) Australian Dressage Champion.
Carrento Star (s. Cardento) 4th in Grand Prix Oliva
Upwood (s. Goodtimes) 3rd in Grand Prix Strazeele
Cyklon (s. Cardento) 9th in World Cup Washington
Dunstan Zimorena (s. Silverstone) wins Grand Prix Hamilton
Corjulana (s. Corland) wins Championship 8-year olds in San Giovanni
U-Prova (s. Lorentin I) 3rd in World Cup China
Traffic Boy (s. Cardento) 6th in Grand Prix San Giovanni in M.
Young Indoctro�s placed in World Cup Sao Paolo
Carat (s. Cardento) 8th in Grand Prix Odense.
Chiquita (s. Chin Chin) and Bugsy Malone (s. Corland) win in Oliva
Indoctro 2nd in 2013 Young Jumper Championships Leading Sires
Edoctro (s. Indoctro) 8th Grand Prix San Remo
Hello Sanctos wins Grand Prix and Worldcup Qualifier Oslo
Wigeunerin (s. Silverstone) wins Grand Prix Odense
Doklahoma VDL and Celena VDL winners NIC Cup Assen
Flying Saucer das Umburanas (s. Indoctro) 2nd in Grand Prix Strazeele
Exclusive (s. Emilion) wins Grand Prix El Jadida
Springtime (s. Indorado) 7th in Worldcup Qualifier Sacramento
Invincible P North American Champion of the jumpingbred foals
Elliot VDL 6th in Swedish Championship 4 year old jumpers
Suzanne Tepper successful with Fakir VDL and Westminster VDL
VDL Wizard 2nd in $40.000 HITS Grand Prix Culpeper
Flying Saucer das Umburanas (s. Indoctro) 3rd in Grand Prix Bonheiden
Suma�s Zorro (s. Douglas) 3rd in Worldcup Qualifier Rabat
Clear round for Bubalu in 1st round of Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup's final
Adoctro (s. Indoctro) 3rd in Junior Grand Prix Caledon
Wingsofloma (s. Pacific) wins Grand Prix Jardy
Suma�s Zorro (s. Douglas) 3rd Worldcup Qualifier Tetouan
Arriba (s. Indoctro) National Champion Eventing
Esterna (s. Indorado) 80 points IBOP Nieuw en St Joosland
Ine Scais (s. Silverstone) and Innovate HBF (s. Corland) best jumperfoals KWPN foalshow Scotland
VDL stallions clear in first round World Championship
Flying Saucer das Umburanas (s. Indoctro) wins Grand Prix Barbizon
Cadence (s. Cardento) wins Welcome Stakes American Gold Cup
Valentino Velvet (s. Indoctro) wins Grand Prix Paderborn
VDL horses to Young Jumpers Worldchampionship
Good prices for VDL offspring in National Elite auction of Sweden
Good results for Carlton Hill and Zuidenwind in Sweden
Sancha La Silla (s. Chin Chin) 2nd 1.60m Spruce Meadows
Undoctra d�Helby champion 6-year old mares Fontainebleau
Caribo (s. Cardento) 8th in Grand Prix Humlikon
Good international results for offspring VDL stallions
Bugatti's son Firestone B sold for � 28.000 at Fences auction
VDL Zapatero 3rd in 1,50m class at CSI Humlikon
Fa de Salinas, son of Classe VDL, Spanish Champion Freejumping
Corino VDL 3rd in 4 year olds Breeders final in Norway
Bilion (by Emilion) wins Young Jumper Championship 7-year olds Eastern League
Young Zapatero�s win Eastern and Western Leagues 5-year olds USA
Fananka A (v. Chin Chin) wins Grand Prix Tanghe in Vilvoorde
Onira (s. Nimmerdor) 3rd in Grand Prix Verbier
Imothep (by Indoctro) 4th in World Cup Qualifier Langley
Corporal 3rd in final 7-year olds at Grevagarden
Gold and Bronze for Hello Sanctos (by Quasimodo van de Molendreef)
Zaphir (by Zapatero) topseller in Brightwells auction
Clear round for Bubalu at European Championship
Ringwood Glen (s. VDL Arkansas) 2nd in Grand Prix Millstreet
Check Picobello Z (s. Cardento) wins in Valkenswaard
Caveman Dh (s. Cardento) 3rd in Belgium Championship for 5-year olds
Woklahoma (s. Sheraton) 2nd in the Grand Prix of Orangeville
Imagine H (by Etoulon VDL) Champion National Foal Show
Bugatti VDL 3rd and Baltic VDL 6th in VION Cup for 7 year olds
Bugatti VDL and Baltic VDL qualified for finals of the VION Cup
Carlton Hill VDL 15th at World Championship in Verden
offspring VDL Stallions win at CSIO 5* in Dublin
VDL Groep Eureka (by Chin Chin) wins Grand Prix Valkenswaard
Carlton Hill VDL qualified for finals in Verden
Irisja (s. Harley) champion foalshow in Terschuur
Indigo (s. Indoctro) wins $100.000 HITS Grand Prix Horses in the Sun
Good international results for offspring VDL stallions
Aagaardens Chica (s. Indoctro) champion jumper filly�s South Denmark
L'Espoir AEG (v. Campbell) Champion 2 year olds in Limburg
Babette (by Corland) wins Mastersjumping at Jumping Peel & Maas
Stallone (v. Ahorn) 3rd in Grand Prix of Wiener Neustadt
Harley's son Constable II wins 6-years old final in Chantilly
Etoulon's son Inferno Champion at Young Foal Show Tolbert.
Baltic-mare Ficalien DN Champion at CK Drenthe
VDL Dogan (s. Chin Chin) 4th in $50.000 Grand Prix Hits Saugerties
Vlingh (s. Flemmingh) 3rd NK Juniors Dressage
Zamira (s. Zirocco Blue) 2nd at 5-year olds Z-Festival Zangersheide
Hello Sanctos (s. Quasimodo vd Molendreef) 3rd in Global Champions Tour GP Chantilly
Veldheer (s. Matterhorn) 4th in Grand Prix Keysoe
Watch Me (s. Cantos) 7th in European Championship Young Riders
Bubalu and Jur Vrieling selected for European Championship
Lois Lhassa (s. Bubalu) wins at BWP Geluwe Prijskamp in Moorsele
Championsribbons at CK Groningen for offspring of Zirocco Blue VDL, Chello III VDL and Indoctro
Whitney (s. Indoctro) 6th in Grand Prix Spangenberg
Email Chin (s. Chin Chin) and Roi de Forets (s. Indoctro) 4th in GP�s France
Corporal VDL 4th in Championship 7-year olds Falsterbo
Sancha La Silla (s. Chin Chin) 2nd in Grand Prix Spruce Meadows
Carlton Hill VDL 8th in Scandinavian Championship
Offspring of Baltic reserve-Champion at CK Gelderland
Championsribbons for offspring of Arezzo VDL and Durango VDL
Ilavsca-Deux Fortuna (s. Zirocco Blue) champion foalshow Rolde
Chin Chin offspring highly placed in International Grand Prix�s
Cadence (s. Cardento) wins 1.50m Spruce Meadows
Carrera VDL 7th in finals Young Horses at CSI Geesteren
Hello Sanctos (s. Quasimodo vd Molendreef) 2nd in Grand Prix GCT Estoril
Zirocco Blue en Baltic sires of Champions CK Zeeland
Ippon VDJ (s. Dakar) Champion jumping foals Zuid Holland
Top price for Cardento-son Nippon van de Donkhoeve
Southwind VDL 4th in World Cup Qualifier Spruce Meadows
Winn Winn (s. Chin Chin) wins Grand Prix Linz
Indence VDL and Ina Frank VDL Champion at foalshow Harich
Isurusa (by Zirocco Blue) Champion at Foalshow Tolbert
Cornetto (s. Cardento) 3rd in Grand Prix Sanremo
Belmont (s. Ahorn) 3rd in Grand Prix Fontainebleau
Westenwind (v. Flemmingh) kampioen Lichte Tour Belgi�
Faviana (s. Baltic VDL) best mare at mareshow in Varsseveld
Primeval Bentley VDL wins Masterclass Rotterdam
Zirocco Blue 3rd in the Championship of Rotterdam
Campbell VDL 2nd with team USA in Nations Cup Spruce Meadows
Valentino Velvet and Ursula XII in top 10 Grand Prix Cannes
Celena VDL wins and Baltic VDL 4th at CSI 2* Asten
Ahorn offspring in top 10 Grand Prix Hardelot
Selano (s. Corland) 2nd in Young Riders Grand Prix Wierden
Fabiola (s. Arezzo VDL) topper KWPN mare inspection Boxtel
Cizette B (s. Vermont) highest IBOP score in Panningen
Traffic Boy (s. Cardento) 4th in Grand Prix Lipica
Kannan offspring 1st and 2nd in Grand Prix Bourg en Bresse
Whisky Mac IV (s. Emilion) wins Nations Cup with UK team
Primeval Bentley VDL wins Masterclass at Outdoor Gelderland
Zapatero sire of Stalliontest Champion Flying Dream
Indoctro offspring highly placed in Grand Prix Deauville
Marinier (s. Wellington) wins Special CDI3* South Africa
Wervelwind (by Cantos) 6th in Grand Prix La Boissiere
Zirocco Blue wins 1.60m Grand Prix at Copenhagen
Zirocco Blue VDL wins Nations Cup in Copenhagen
Ponita 18 (s. Emilion) 3rd in worldcup qualifier Vazgaikiemis
Offspring VDL stallions win Nations Cup Lamprechtshausen
Very Nice (s. Cantos) 4th in Grand Prix Bethune
Flying Saucer das Umburanas (s. Indoctro) 2nd in GP Mantes la Jolie
Springtime (s. Indorado) 6th in Grand Prix Wiesbaden
3 clear rounds for Corporal VDL & Malin Baryard
VDL offspring high placed in North Salem Grand Prix
Rahmannshof Before (s. Tenerife VDL) wins in M�nchen.
Offspring VDL stallions high placed in Kentucky Grand Prix
Chasmno (by Chin Chin ) wins Young Jumpers final at Hamburg
Winn Winn (s. Chin Chin) wins Grand Prix San Giovanni in M.
Fardon (s. Corland) 3rd in Grand Prix M�nchen Riem
Zapatero VDL is at home and available with fresh semen
Sanctos van het Gravenhof (s. Quasimodo vd Molendreef) 2nd in King Cup Madrid
Touchable (s. Navarone) 4th in Grand Prix Linz
Gretel S (by Corland) Belgium Champion of the 7 year old jumpers
Offspring of Indoctro and Harley win in Ebreichsdorf
Indoctro's son Celtic 3rd in Championship at the Emirates
Wittinger VDL 3rd in Grand Prix Gorden State Horse Show
Zagarhorn (s. Matterhorn) 8th in Grand Prix Ebreichsdorf
Valentino Velvet (s. Indoctro) wins Grand Prix Antwerp
Cornetto (s. Cardento) 5th in Italian Championschip
Wise Guy (s. Indoctro) 4th in Grand Prix of Drammen
Silvana HDC 3rd in World Cup final at Gothenburg
VDL Torlando 3rd in $40.000 Culpeper Grand Prix
Offspring VDL stallions international highly placed
Douglas (by Douglas) wins international eventing class
Corporal starts well with his new rider Malin Baryard
VDL Stallions competing at Dutch National Championship
Zydoctro van de Kapel wins Grand Prix Gorla Minore
Wodka Lime (s. Indorado) 8th in Grand Prix Linz
Cappuccino (s. Indoctro) wins 6-year olds in Lanaken
Uleika (s. Atlantic) 9th in Grand Prix Riyadh
Wodka Lime (s. Indorado) 3rd in Grand Prix Ranshofen
VDL Groep Eureka 2nd in Grand Prix of 3* CSi at Doha
Wollie Bollie 2nd in Grand Prix Sint-Katelijne-Waver
Emilion-son Warrior wins Grand Prix of Autheuil
Cardento-mare Java Kvarnas Dutch Champion 1.30m level
Quintin VDL and son of Arezzo Champion at ONNK 2013
Apardi wins final 8 year old jumpers at the WEF
Indoctro's son Chapeau wins final of 6 year olds at the WEF
Dakota VDL 3rd in WEF finals of the 5 year old jumpers
Ceylor L.A.N (s. Veron) wins CIC* Fontainebleau
Elabra de Laubry (s. Chin Chin) 4th Grand Prix Moorsele
Onira (s. Nimmerdor) 6th in Grand Prix Ocala.
Touchable (s. Navarone) 4th in Grand Prix Oliva
World Wide (s. Corland) 9th in Grand Prix Arezzo
Lunatic (s. Landlord) 9th in Grand Prix Braunschweig
Bubalu 8th in World Cup Qualifier s'Hertogenbosch
Bubalu and Zirocco Blue both 3rd at 1st day Indoor Brabant
VDL horses placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd at Central American Games
Ahorn-son Belmont 'Horse of the Year'in Canada
Zagarhorn 10th in Grand Prix Vejer de la Frontera
Defender J.W.B (s. Chin Chin) wins 5-year olds Wellington
Zirocco Blue 2nd in World Cup Qualifier Warsaw
Anteros (s. Indoctro) 8th in CIC1* Barocco d�Alva
Glory Days wins Ariat Jumper Classic Wellington
Zagarhorn (s. Matterhorn) 7th in Grand Prix of the Sunshine Tour
Boss VDL and Diamantino VDL approved in Sweden
VDL horses sold for good prices at WEF Sport Horse Auctions
Belitys de la Demi Lune (s. Indorado) 6th Grand Prix Vejer de la Frontera
Curra River (by Douglas) wins 2 times in Vilamoure
Any Given Sunday (s. Indoctro) 2nd in Wellington Derby
Springtime (s. Indorado) 7th Worldcup Qualifier Thermal
Good results again for Arezzo and Zapatero in Oliva
VDL offspring high placed in Young Jumper Classes Wellington
Eureka (s. Chin Chin) 4th in Grand Prix Neum�nster
World Wide (s. Corland) 6e in Grand Prix Melsomvik
Wacantos (s. Cantos) 3rd in Grand Prix Ebreichsdorf
Glory Days (s. Cardento) wins Young Riders Grand Prix Wellington
Whitney (s. Indoctro) 5th in Grand Prix Wellington
Wizzard VDL and Campbell VDL 3rd and 4th in Grand Prix Ocala
Silvana (s. Corland) 4th in Grand Prix Bordeaux
VDL Torlando wins $25.000 Smartpak Grand Prix
Yalambi�s Val d�Isere (s. Atlantic) 5th in Grand Prix Otago, New Zealand
Springtime (s. Indorado) 3rd in Worldcup Qualifier Thermal
Freeman VDL Champion of the KWPN Stallionapprovals
6 stallions selected on 2nd day of KWPN stallionapprovals
4 stallions selected on first day of KWPN stallionapprovals
Onira (s. Nimmerdor) wins Grand Prix Wellington
Prestige VDL (s. Silvano) twice 2nd in Australia
Undoctra d'Helby most winning 4 year old jumper of France
Sons of Indoctro and Corland selected for 3rd round BWP Stallionapprovals
Lunatic and Silvana Highly placed in World Cup Leipzig
Indigo (s. Indoctro) 7th in Grand Prix Wellington
Ulano (s. Indoctro) 9th in WorldCup Qualifier Sharjah
VDL Apha (s. Corland) 10th in Grand Prix Drachten
Wollie Bollie (s. Cantos) 4th Grand Prix Amsterdam
Boeve�s Boulogne (s. Carolus II) wins GMB competition for young showjumpers
Offspring VDL stallions perform in Wellington
Glasgow van't Merelsnest Champion of NRPS Stalliontest
Bugatti VDL wins Stallioncompetition Zuidbroek
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