Stargos VDL wins final 7yrs in Poland

Stargos VDL and Hessel Hoekstra jumped fantastically at the 4* competition in Warsaw in Poland and won the final for 7-year-olds. Earlier in the week they were 3rd and 4th in the class for young horses.

Durantos RR (Durango x Cantos), ridden by Christian Rohmberg, finished in a nice 5th place in the final. Durantos RR was bred by W. Zwier.

Our 8-year-old VDL Legodermus PP (Harley x Clinton, breeder: fam. Poppelaars) made his 1.50m debut in Warsaw with a nice clear round and a 9th place. VDL Legodermus PP is ridden by Hessel Hoekstra.

Guppie VDL (Arezzo x Cardento, breeder: fam. Schut) and his new rider Laura Baaring Kjaergaard finished 6th in the 1.55m Grand Prix.

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Stargos VDL

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