Leone Jei (v. Baltic) wins and Cartello VDL was 2nd in the %* Roelx Grand Prix in Spruce Meadows!

Last weekend VDL products dominated the Roelx Grand Prix in Spruce Meadows. Leone Jei (v. Baltic) won the Grand Prix with his rider Martin Fuchs, Leone Jei is gefokt door G. M. van Mersbergen. Leone Jei has now won more than €2.9 million in prize money with Martin Fuchs!
Cartello VDL (v. Cartani) followed in 2nd place with his rider Darragh Kenny. This Cartani son is bred by Stall Witt and has been successful with various riders at the top level of our sport.

Verlinkte Pferde

Cartello VDL
Leone Jei (v. Baltic)

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