Kallmar VDL wins Grand Prix of Sommacampagna

Last Sunday, the Grand Prix of Sommacampagna took place in Italy. Kallmar VDL took the win convincingly with two clear rounds and a fast time of 44.02 seconds. The Carrera son bred by H.B. Dirksen & M.A. Hijlkema managed to secure second place twice earlier in the week with Roberto Previtali.

Fourth place went to Grezzo (by Arezzo) with Alberto Coppari. The Arezzo son is bred by Az. Agr. Amedeo Brembilla and has only been a combination with Alberto Coppari for a few months.

In the small Grand Prix on Saturday, the Grand Slam son Yuppie Fz managed to finish another fine fifth with Laura Micol Boni. Yuppie Fz (by Grand Slam) is bred by Az. Agr. Franca Zanetti.

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Kallmar VDL

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