Uprising Baltic (by Baltic) Champion foalshow Exloo

Yesterday, Uprising Baltic (by Baltic) became the champion in Exloo. The jury commented on the Baltic son, bred by J.B. Ausma, as follows: "A well-developed, right-angled foal with correct foundation. He canters with good balance and light-footedness."

Second was the Hardrock son Us Harry O 'Hesseln bred by M. Kienecker. The judges judged the Hardrock son as: "This is a very young colt with sufficient development. He is strongly built and moves with lots of power, balance and suppleness." Third place went to a filly by Unedo van de Vondel bred by J.M. Katoele-Elling. U-Nena (by Unedeo van de Vondel) is an appealing, strongly built filly with an easy, spacious canter. In that, she has sufficient balance."

In dressage, there was also success for Merlot daughter Utah-Vrouwe LK bred by family Klinkhamer. Utah-Vrouwe (by Merlot) eventually became fourth in the champion's ring and was described as a variegated and chic filly which moves with light-footedness.

Verlinkte Pferde

Baltic VDL

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