Harley-daughter Karonia L wins twice at Kronenberg

Karonia L (by Harley) managed to claim victory with Rodrigo Giesteira Almeida at the Grand  Prix on Sunday. The duo also managed to win the 1.45m on Thursday, the Harley daughter is bred by Th. Lemmers.

In the 1.35m on Saturday, the  victory went to M.PM. Janssen-bred Dallas son l'Espoir, who together with Siebe Leemans managed to hold off all competition in the jump-off.

Celvin FS Z (by Carrera) managed to finish as the best 7-year-old in the class for 7- & 8-year-old horses on Thursday. The Carrera son managed to stay clear in both phases with Maxime Thefenne, he is bred by V.O.F. Franssen.

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