At the foal show of Schildwolde, with 41 competors, there were great results for offspring of VDL Stallions. Champion became Hipyrusa H, a Baltic x Indoctro, bred by A.J. Hazenberg from Opende. Placed 2nd was Heaven (Indoctro x Indorado), bred by A. de Vries from Sappemeer.
Other placings in the finals were:
4th Hyrusa H (Baltic x Corland), breeder A.J. Hazenberg from Opende
6th Hyberlino H (Zirocco Blue x Wittinger), breeder: J. and A.J. Hazenberg from Opende
7th Harcos (Corland x Nimmerdor), breeder : J. Koops from Onnen
8th Haloween Bridge (Indoctro x Veron), breeder: J.A. van Marum from Oosterwijtwerd.
Batic VDL