In the final of the 6 years old jump horses VDL Rocksina (Corland x Emilion), ridden by Angelique Hoorn, was 2nd. This mare is bred by W. Abbring from Onnen (Holland) and owned by the VDL Stud and H. Dirksen from Hattum (Holland). VDL Rocksina was also 2nd in the selection round for this final.
In the selection of the 5 years old horses Gaesbeker's VDL Sarantos ( Emilion x Larome), ridden by Jur Vrieling, became 2nd. In the final the Glennridge son Stoney Creek, ridden by Willem Greve, became 3rd. Stoney Creek is owned and bred by 't Heechhiem from Bergum (Holland).
In the final of the 4 years old horses Tres Chique P (Indorado x Liostro), ridden by Marcel de Boer, became 5th. Tres Chique P is owned and bred by H. Praas from Nieuw Leusden (Holland).
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