During the International Jumping Show in Bremen at the 29th of February Glenn was winning again with his rider Alois Pollmann. This time the Glennridge-son won the Grand Prix of Bremen. The 4th place in this Grand Prix was for Manfred Marschall with the Indoctro-son Nintendo.
In Palm Beach (USA) Ian Miller has won with Promis Me (Lauriston x Ahorn), this hose is bred by the VDL Stud. Also in Spain a breeding product of the VDL Stud was succesfull: The horse Nordico (Quat Sous x Jalisco B x Sans Souci) won with his rider Luis Alvarez Cervera the Grand Prix of the Sunshine Tours at the 7th of March. The Indoctro-son Maddock was, with his rider Guy Goossen, 5th in this Grand Prix.
In Wellington (USA) the gelding Desilvio (Silvio II x Ahorn) became 2nd in the Wordld Cup qualification, it was only the 2nd Grand Prix of this 9-years old horse.
At the Vilamoure Tour in Portugal Picasso VDL (Corland x Ahorn x Renville) was succesfull, he was with his rider 2nd in the finals of the 7-years old Jumphorses
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